FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS How To Type Trademark TM, Registered (R) and Copyright (C) Symbols on Windows Keyboard with Numpad

Learn how to type all the trademark and copyright symbols on a windows keyboard with Numpad.

Watch this video!


First, you’re gonna press and hold the Alt key, and then if you want to get the ™ symbol on the numeric pad, you will press 0153 and then you’re gonna let go of both the alt and the three keys, that’s how you get the ™. If you want the R in a circle, then again you’re gonna press and hold the Alt key, and then you’re gonna type in 0174 and then again you’re gonna let go of both these keys. And if you want the copyright symbol, you’re gonna press and hold Alt and then you’re gonna type 0169 and then let go.

I hope you found this video useful. And if you did, make sure you share it with a friend who may need the same answer as well. And by the way, if you don’t have a keyboard with a numeric pad. If you're using a laptop or if you’re using a Mac, or maybe using an iPhone or if you’re using an Android. Uh, we have videos for that as well.

But also, we have a universal solution that works regardless of the platform that you want to use. It works with Windows, it works with Mac, it works with iOS, it works with Android. It works anywhere. If you’re interested in that, go to tmf.ocks/type. TMF stands for Trademark Factory. So and you’ll get this tool, you can use it for free. Until then, I'll see you in the next video.


Disclaimer: Please note that this post and this video are not and are not intended as legal advice. Your situation may be different from the facts assumed in this post or video. Your reading this post or watching this video does not create a lawyer-client relationship between you and Trademark Factory International Inc., and you should not rely on this post or this video as the only source of information to make important decisions about your intellectual property.

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