Free Trademarking Resources

We've published hundreds of videos, several books and interactive tools to help you find answers to whatever questions you may have about trademarks.

You can find these resources on this page.

Watch our answers to these 105 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT TRADEMARKS to learn what, when, where, how, and why to trademark your brand.
Watch these 32 CARTOONS ABOUT TRADEMARKS to learn about trademarks in a humorous, easy-to-understand manner.
Get in-depth understanding of how trademarks work with TRADEMARKS FOR GROWTH-MINDED ENTREPRENEURS, the ultimate course (6+ hours of premium content) for business owners who want to own their brands.
Take this 5-minute TRADEMARK QUIZ to find out if you actually need to trademark your brand.
Subscribe to our YOUTUBE CHANNEL for regular updates about the world of branding, trademarks, and entrepreneurship.
Stay Tuned
Watch our KICK-ASS BRANDS SHOW, where Andrei Mincov interviews well-known entrepreneurs and branding experts on how to build, promote, and protect a great brand.
ANDREI MINCOV'S BI-WEEKLY NEWSLETTER: Check out stories about Andrei's discoveries as a founder and a dad. Subscribe for even more.
Download Books & Reports
7 RED FLAGS OF CHEAP TRADEMARKING SERVICES: Do not order trademarking services until you have read this book.
10 THINGS EVERY BUSINESS MUST KNOW BEFORE APPLYING FOR A TRADEMARK: Understand how trademark registration actually works.
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