Did you know that over 68% of trademark applications face objections during the registration process? These objections, called “Office Actions,” can delay or even derail your trademark registration, costing time and money to resolve.
That’s where our Office Action Insurance™ comes in.
Who qualifies?
To be eligible for Office Action Insurance™, you must meet all three conditions:
- 1️⃣ You filed your trademark through Trademark Factory®
If you are still thinking of filing your trademark, check out our packages and get started today!
- 2️⃣ We assessed your trademark as registrable in our trademarkability report
This means your application passed our comprehensive review, ensuring it meets the criteria for successful registration.
- 3️⃣ Your trademark has not yet received an Office Action
Think of it like fire insurance—you can’t get coverage after the fire has started.
If this sounds like you, we’ve got you covered. Whether you’re dealing with minor issues or want complete peace of mind with our money-back guarantee, here are the options available to you:
Pay-as-you-go support: If an Office Action is issued against your application, our experienced attorneys can respond for you at a quoted fee, ensuring professional handling of your case.
No upfront coverage—costs for handling objections are only incurred if and when they arise.
Best for: Those who prefer to pay for Office Action responses as needed rather than investing in coverage upfront.
Covers responses to all office actions except descriptiveness and likelihood of confusion.
If such issues arise, we’ll handle them at no extra cost, giving you confidence that common but less complex office actions won’t disrupt your trademark process.
Best for: Those confident in their trademark’s strength but want coverage for simpler issues.
Comprehensive coverage for all office actions, including descriptiveness and likelihood of confusion—the most challenging and labor-intensive issues to address.
This gives you complete peace of mind that no matter what objections arise, we’ll manage them at no extra cost to you.
Best for: Those seeking full protection against any potential challenges during the registration process.
Our most secure option: unlimited responses to all office actions plus a 100% money-back guarantee.
If we can't secure your trademark after handling all office actions, you get a full refund.
Best for: Those who want zero financial risk and absolute confidence in their trademark journey.
Ready to Boost Your Trademark Protection?
To request Office Action Insurance™ for your trademark, log in to your Client Cabinet and send us a message through Legal Chat. Our team will guide you through the next steps and ensure your trademark gets the coverage it needs.
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