A trademark assignment is a process where ownership of and rights to a trademark are transferred to another person.
You can only assign (transfer) a registered trademark by executing an agreement called the Trademark Assignment Agreement and then registering that assignment with the Trademarks Office.
Use the calculator below to get an idea of how much you'll pay in government fees to assign your registered trademark to someone else.
Calculate fees to assign and transfer trademark(s) registered in:
Whether you're transferring yourademark from you personally as an individual to a company you own (or the other way around) or whether it's a transfer between unrelated entities, you need to register it with the same Trademarks Office where the trademark is registered.
This will ensure that the new owner is shown on the website and in all official documents of the Trademarks Office.
The fee for the transfer is nominal at $40 for the first trademark being assigned, with $25 for each additional trademark.