If you’re feeling unsure about the current status of a trademark application, checking on the current status is very easy to do.
It’s one of the many trademark services you might not be aware of when first trademarking your brand.
The usual cost for trademark search, as we’ll show, is usually freely available to the public.
Andrei’s Answer on Cost for Trademark Search
So the answer to that is very simple. In most countries, they have an online system within trademark services that allows you to check that. It's a public record, so both Canadian, US, and European Union databases are open to the public.
Since it’s online, you can check whenever you want to see the current status of your trademark. Depending on the country in question, most offer no cost for a trademark search as well as long as you’re just looking up the status.
If you know the number of your trademark application, you can just search for that, and it will show exactly what's out there. If you kept additional copies of those forms for your records, which I’d highly recommend you do, the application number should be extremely easy to find.
American Access to Trademark Services
American trademark applicants aren’t limited to just finding the forms themselves online. The American system, USPTO, allows you to not only see the status but also it allows you to see all the documents that were filed in association with your trademark application. So any supporting materials submitted to show the trademark in use or anything else like that.
You can see the status when trademarking your brand no matter what point in the process it’s in, and changes are shown as quickly as they’re decided. As with any process like filing a trademark, there can be a certain deliberateness to the process, but those records are publically available to check whenever you want.
That’s really all there is to it. For almost all countries, trademark services and the trademark process itself is something they want to keep as open and transparent as possible. This is great news for applicants who can see their progress whenever they want every step of the way. Trademarking your brand has never been easier.
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