years in business


trademarks filed


success rate

We’ve protected brands for all sorts of companies and entrepreneurs—from startups at an early idea stage to 7- and 8-figure businesses.

It doesn’t matter what stage your business is in.

If you care about your brand and are looking for a guaranteed way to trademark it, you’ve come to the right place.

Choose The PackageThat’s Right For You

  • Filed Right


  • ❌ We will file your trademark without evaluating if your brand is trademarkable. You are responsible for any and all risks if your brand cannot be trademarked
  • ✔️ A licensed attorney or trademark agent will handle the preparation and filing of your application
  • ✔️ Your trademark application will have an attorney of record
  • ✔️ All steps to registration included for trouble-free scenarios
  • 💲 Pay-as-you-go if an office action is issued against your trademark
  • Stake Your Claim


  • ✔️ We will conduct a comprehensive trademark search and provide you with our registrability assessment. Submit unlimited replacement options until you find a brand we assess as registrable
  • ✔️ A licensed attorney or trademark agent will handle the preparation and filing of your application
  • ✔️ Your trademark application will have an attorney of record
  • ✔️ All steps to registration included for trouble-free scenarios
  • 💲 Pay-as-you-go if an office action is issued against your trademark
  • Secure


  • ✔️ We will conduct a comprehensive trademark search and provide you with our registrability assessment. Submit unlimited replacement options until you find a brand we assess as registrable
  • ✔️ A licensed attorney or trademark agent will handle the preparation and filing of your application
  • ✔️ Your trademark application will have an attorney of record
  • ✔️ All steps to registration included for trouble-free scenarios
  • ✔️ Unlimited responses to minor (non-substantive) office actions included
  • 💲 Pay-as-you-go if a major office action (genericness, descriptiveness, likelihood of confusion) is issued against your trademark
Any questions? Looking for a custom solution?


Online Services
Traditional Law Firms
& Attorneys
Factory ®
Does the Upfront Fee Cover the Entire Trademarking Process? wrong
No. $50–$500 will get your TM filed. After that, find an attorney and pay them by the hour to deal with all roadblocks.
No. $50–$500 will get your TM filed. After that, pay attorneys $250–$800 per hour to deal with all roadblocks.
Yes. Our single flat fee covers the entire trademarking process from filing to registration, no matter what.

With Low-Cost Online Services, you pay $50-$500 to get your TM filed. Then you’ll need to find an attorney and pay them by the hour to deal with all roadblocks.

With Traditional Law Firms & Attorneys, you pay $500—$1000 to get your TM filed. Then you pay attorneys $250-$800 per hour to deal with all roadblocks.

With Trademark Factory®, one single flat fee covers the entire trademarking process from filing to registration, no matter what.

Any way to know for sure if your brand is trademarkable before filing? wrong
No. Their automated searches only spot identical matches. The “comprehensive” searches they sell as an add-on come without a registrability opinion. This creates a false sense of security that your brand is trademarkable when it actually isn’t.
They usually sell their comprehensive search with a registrability opinion for an extra $300–$700. They typically position those as a nice-to-have, rather than a must-have, option.
Yes! Our upfront fee covers a comprehensive trademark search with a registrability opinion. Get clarity about your brand’s chances of getting successfully trademarked before moving forward.

Not if you use Low-Cost Online Services. Their automated searches only spot identical matches. Their “comprehensive” searches they sell as an add-on come without a registrability opinion. This can give you a false sense of security that your brand is trademarkable when it actually isn’t.

With Traditional Law Firms & Attorneys, you will only know if your brand is trademarkable if you pay an extra $300–$700 for a comprehensive search with a registrability opinion. They typically position those as a nice-to-have, rather than a must-have, option.

With Trademark Factory®, our upfront fee covers a comprehensive trademark search with a registrability opinion. It gives you clarity about your brand’s chances of getting successfully trademarked.

What Happens If Your Search Comes Back As Problematic? wrong
Too bad. No refunds. With some luck, they might run one additional search at no extra charge.
Too bad. No refunds. With some luck, they might run one additional search at no extra charge.
Get a full refund or have us run unlimited additional searches until you come up with a registrable replacement.

Neither Low-Cost Online Services nor Traditional Law Firms & Attorneys will give you any refunds. If you’re lucky, they might run one additional search for you at no extra charge.

With Trademark Factory®, you can get a full refund or have us run unlimited additional searches for your replacement brands until you come up with a brand you love and that we tell you is registrable.

Will a Licensed Attorney Or a Trademark Agent Review Your TM Application and Be Formally Responsible For It? wrong
No. These services are not authorized to provide legal advice. It means no advice as to which brand to file and for which classes of goods and services. Since these services are not authorized to communicate with the Trademarks Office on behalf of the applicant, the application will not have an attorney of record. No legal advice or assistance with all the back-and-forth with the Trademarks Office.
Yes. That’s what a law firm is for.
Yes. We use some of the most experienced licensed professionals in all jurisdictions where we file trademarks. Every application will have a properly appointed attorney (agent) of record.

Not if you go with Low-Cost Online Services. They are not authorized to provide legal advice. It means you will need to figure out which brand to file and for which classes of goods and services. Since these services are not authorized to communicate with the Trademarks Office on your behalf, your trademark will not have an attorney of record. You will need to deal with all the legal back-and-forth with the Trademarks Office yourself.

Yes if go with Traditional Law Firms & Attorneys. That’s what law firms are for.

Yes if you go with Trademark Factory®. We use some of the most experienced licensed professionals in all jurisdictions where we can help you file your trademarks. Every application will have a properly appointed attorney (agent) of record.

80% of trademark applications receive an office action and get rejected. What then? wrong
Since these services are not authorized to provide legal advice or to communicate with the Trademarks Office on your behalf, you will need to find an outside attorney or deal with all the legal back-and-forth yourself. Failure to respond to the satisfaction of the Trademarks Office will result in the application getting permanently denied.
They will gladly respond to all office actions on your behalf — as long as their invoices get paid. A response to a complex office action can easily take 10-20 billable hours, at $250 to $800 per hour.
We will do whatever it takes to get the Trademarks Office to reconsider. And the best part is, our upfront fee covers unlimited attorney time to respond to any and all office actions — including the most complex ones, such as descriptiveness and likelihood of confusion.

Low-Cost Online Services are not authorized to provide legal advice or to communicate with the Trademarks Office on your behalf, you will need to deal with all the legal back-and-forth yourself or find an outside attorney. If you don’t respond to the satisfaction of the Trademarks Office, your application will be permanently denied.

Traditional Law Firms & Attorneys will gladly respond to all office actions on your behalf. The problem is that you’ll be paying them by the hour to do so. A response to a complex office action can easily take 10-20 billable hours, at $250 to $800 per hour.

Trademark Factory® will do whatever it takes to get the Trademarks Office to reconsider. And the best part is, our upfront fee covers unlimited attorney time to respond to any and all office actions — including the most complex ones, such as descriptiveness and likelihood of confusion.

What if the Trademarks Office issues a final refusal of the application? wrong
Too bad. No refunds. You’ve just wasted all this time, money, and energy trademarking an unregistrable brand—and got nothing to show for it. According to the USPTO, only 51.7% of all trademark applications end up getting approved by the Trademarks Office.
Too bad. No refunds. You’ve just wasted all this time, money, and energy trademarking an unregistrable brand—and got nothing to show for it. According to the USPTO, only 51.7% of all trademark applications end up getting approved by the Trademarks Office.
If the Trademarks Office rejects a trademark we assessed as registrable, you get a full 100% refund. Because we do everything in our power to ensure our clients get the results they want, Trademark Factory® has a 99.3% success rate — unparalleled in this industry.

Too bad—if you go with Low-Cost Online Services and Traditional Law Firms & Attorneys. You’ve just wasted all this time, money, and energy trademarking a brand you can’t own—and got nothing to show for it. According to the USPTO, only 51.7% of all trademark applications end up getting approved by the Trademarks Office.

If Trademark Factory® assesses your trademark as registrable and the Trademarks Office rejects it, you get a full 100% refund. We have a 99.3% success rate, so we do everything in our power to ensure you get the results we promise.

What about the registration certificate? wrong
They will email it as a PDF. In some cases, they might send a paper copy from the Trademarks Office.
They will email it as a PDF. In some cases, they might send a paper copy from the Trademarks Office.
We mail your original trademark registration certificate in a beautiful custom frame.

With Low-Cost Online Services and Traditional Law Firms & Attorneys, all you get is an email with a PDF. In some cases, you may also get a paper copy from the Trademarks Office.

Trademark Factory® will mail you your trademark registration certificate in a beautiful custom frame.

Does this provide a guaranteed result for a guaranteed budget? wrong
No certainty as to the fees (the whole process can end up costing anywhere from $99 to $10,000+ plus the government fees). No attorney of record for your trademark application. If something doesn’t go as planned, they are not authorized to offer legal advice or assistance. No money-back guarantee if the trademark doesn’t go through.
No certainty as to the fees (the whole process can end up costing anywhere from $500 to $10,000+ plus the government fees). If something doesn’t go as planned, you end up paying them even more. No money-back guarantee if the trademark doesn’t go through.
With our All-Inclusive package, a flat fee of $2,995 plus the government fees covers the entire process from start to finish. That’s it. No hourly fees or hidden charges. If something doesn’t go as planned, it becomes our problem, not yours, since our services are covered by our 100% money-back guarantee.

With Low-Cost Online Services you pay anywhere from $99 to $10,000+ plus the government fees. Your trademark won’t have an attorney of record. You get no money-back guarantee in case your trademark doesn’t go through.If something doesn’t go as planned, they’re out of the picture.

With Traditional Law Firms & Attorneys, you pay anywhere from $500 to $10,000+ plus the government fees. You get no money-back guarantee in case your trademark doesn’t go through.If something doesn’t go as planned, you end up paying them even more.

With Trademark Factory®’s All-Inclusive package, you get the entire process covered from start to finish for $2,995 plus the government fees. That’s it. No hourly fees or hidden charges. If something doesn’t go as planned, it becomes our problem, not yours, since you are protected with our 100% money-back guarantee.

OUR AWARD-WINNING PROCESSThis is how we make Sure Your Brand Gets TRADEMARKED

You tell us about your business and your brand

Get on a FREE call with one of our strategy advisors to discuss your trademarking needs and see if we are the right fit for you.

We check if your brand is trademarkable

Our legal team runs a comprehensive trademark search and analyzes all relevant results to determine if your brand can be registered as a trademark.

We draft and file your aplication

We prepare the draft of your application that reflects the needs of your business and our licensed attorneys and trademark agents file it with the Trademarks Office.

We take care of all the other legal stuff

We handle the entire trademarking process from start to finish. If necessary, we submit evidence of use and deal with the most difficult and time-consuming objections and office actions at no extra charge.

You get your certificate in a custom frame

We receive your trademark registration certificate, put it in a beautiful custom frame, and FedEx it to you.


85%+ of our clients go with our most popular package, the All-Inclusive. It covers the entire process from start to finish for one flat fee and comes with a 100% money-back guarantee: your trademark gets approved by the Trademarks Office—or you get a full refund.

If you don't need the money-back guarantee and are OK paying extra for dealing with complex objections from the Trademarks Office, you may choose our I Feel Lucky package. It will save you $1,000 upfront, but there is a risk you'll pay a lot more at $350/hour if we end up spending more than the included 90 minutes to respond to office actions.

On the other end of the spectrum, if you want the maximum level of protection, go with the Ultimate. On top of what you get with the All-Inclusive, it also covers unexpected opposition proceedings (we call them "an atomic bomb that almost never goes off"), renewals, and lifetime weekly monitoring of newly filed applications in case someone else tries to trademark a brand similar to yours.

Want to get your trademarks done right?


Our mission is to help growth-minded entrepreneurs build amazing brands.

That's why we created these free resources you can access if you want to better understand how trademarks work and what they can do for your business:

Frequently Asked Questions about trademarks

Tools and Calculators to help you determine government fees for different stages of the trademarking process

— Hundreds of educational videos about trademarks on our YouTube channel

And finally, you can download 2 of our latest books that will give you the necessary context around trademarks and our services: