What is the difference between a trademark registration number and a trademark serial number?
We understand that the world of trademarks is complex, and some aspects of trademark registration are confusing. Here is our latest post on trademark serial numbers versus registration numbers that might help you answer the question of what is USPTO registration number and how they differ from trademark serial numbers.
Let’s start with the serial number. A trademark serial number is a special number given to a trademark application that is still being processed. This number is provided by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Every time someone files for a trademark, the USPTO gives it a serial number. This happens as soon as the application is submitted.
The trademark serial number is a unique eight-digit code that the USPTO assigns to each trademark application. It helps keep track of all the applications. For example, a trademark serial number might look like this: 01/234,567. You can find it on the Official Filing Receipt or a Notice of Publication immediately after submitting the application.
Applicants can use serial numbers to check how their trademark applications are doing and see if there are any related submissions. The USPTO uses these numbers to handle applications and link official letters with the right applications. When the USPTO sends letters about a trademark application, they always include the serial number for that trademark.
On the other hand, a trademark registration number is given to a trademark once it's officially registered. The USPTO is in charge of assigning these numbers. They give a registration number to every approved trademark application. Once a trademark application is approved, the USPTO issues a Registration Certificate, which includes the registration number.
Trademark registration numbers are special seven-digit numbers given by the USPTO to all approved trademark applications. A trademark registration number appears like this: 1,234,567 and usually takes around 14 months to be issued. The USPTO assigns these numbers to applications once they finish the examination process which could take quite a long time. You can find your trademark registration number on every Registration Certificate provided by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
Trademark registration numbers, assigned by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), indicate that a trademark is officially registered. Once the USPTO assigns a registration number, the trademark owner gains the legal right to use the ® trademark symbol. This symbol can only be used by owners of federally registered trademarks. It is illegal to use the ® symbol before obtaining a trademark registration number.
These registration numbers serve crucial purposes. Trademark owners can utilize them to track and monitor the status of their trademark registrations. Additionally, they help identify any submissions or communications with the USPTO that pertain to their registrations.
So are trademark registration numbers and serial numbers the same? No, they are different in format, length, and meaning. A trademark serial number is automatically assigned by the USPTO after filing a trademark application. On the other hand, a trademark registration number is provided by the USPTO when your trademark is officially registered.
Still have questions? Contact us! We are a team of trademark attorneys who will help you pave your way through the trademark registration process and answer all your questions. From registering your brand to defending it against infringement, our team ensures your intellectual property is in safe hands. Let us help you navigate the complex world of trademarks, so you can focus on what you do best – growing your business. Contact us today for peace of mind and legal protection for your brand! Or choose one of our packages that guarantees results for a guaranteed budget with a full refund if the trademark gets rejected!