7 Benefits of Registering Trademarks
NARRATOR: Dennis runs a plumbing company, E Zee Plunger.
TRADEMARK FACTORY: Welcome to the Trademark Factory!
DENNIS: So what are the benefits of registering my trademarks?
TRADEMARK FACTORY: First of all, registration protects your brand all across Canada! People may only know about you in Vancouver but the registration will protect you in Toronto, Calgary, and everywhere else in Canada!
TRADEMARK FACTORY: Your registered trademark is a valuable asset. It's easier to sell, franchise, or license out your brand if it's registered as a trademark.
TRADEMARK FACTORY: If your brand is not registered and there is a dispute around it, you will have to prove that it is a trademark and that you own it.
JUDGE: Dennis failed to prove that he owns the trademark, so Dennis loses
TRADEMARK FACTORY: If it IS registered as a trademark, it would be up to the other side to prove that your brand is NOT a trademark or that you DON'T own it.
TRADEMARK FACTORY: This is why it is much cheaper and easier to win a trademark dispute if you have a registered trademark.
TRADEMARK FACTORY: There's more! Nobody can get away with infringing on your trademark by saying that they did not know you owned it.
ANOTHER PLUNGER: I didn't know it's his trademark!
TRADEMARK FACTORY: Your registration certificate is enough proof that everyone knows your trademark.
JUDGE: The other side failed to prove that Dennis does not own the trademark, so Dennis wins.
DENNIS: Cheaper and easier—I like that!
TRADEMARK FACTORY: One of the other benefits usually overlooked is that registration provides free and automatic protection against others registering identical or similar trademarks.
DENNIS: What do you mean, free?
TRADEMARK FACTORY: The Trademarks Office will not register any trademarks that are confusingly similar to the mark that you applied for or registered. That means that simply by applying to register your mark you can prevent a competitor from registering a trademark similar to yours.
DENNIS: I like it when the government is working for me!
TRADEMARK FACTORY: Also, don't forget that your registered trademark will appear in the Trademarks Register, which others will usually search when choosing their own brand.
YET A DIFFERENT PLUMBER [WITH ITALIAN ACCENT]: No, let's look for a different name! These guys are serious.
TRADEMARK FACTORY: Maybe it's not relevant to you, but did you know that foreign companies can't own .CA domain names, unless they have a registered trademark in Canada?
TRADEMARK FACTORY: Also, your Canadian trademark registration will make it much easier for you to register your trademark in the U.S. and other countries
DENNIS: Yeah, world domination!
TRADEMARK FACTORY: And yes, we can file U.S. trademarks for Canadian businesses. Trademark Factory is authorized to represent Canadians before USPTO.
DENNIS: That's a lot of benefits! What do I do now?
TRADEMARK FACTORY: First of all, go to our website at Trademark Factory.com and fill out the form telling us about your brand.
TRADEMARK FACTORY: We will conduct a search, analyze the results, and provide you with our opinion, ABSOLUTELY FREE. If it CAN be done, we will be happy to help you register it!