The only trademark search with formality check and registrability assesment
Trusted by businesses like yours
Don't guess. Get the answers at the price of your restaurant bill.
Shield your business from disputes and legal battles with our proven process
See the benefits you get by ordering your trademark search with Trademark Factory® today
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Other TM search services
Free TM search
Basic search on USPTO Database
Shows identical Trademarks
Shows similar trademarks
Registrability assessment
Detailed formality check
Specialized software for TM Search
Shows translated, identical details
Shows similar trademarks per class
Offers one alternative and 2nd search at a discount
I’m a drummer, I don’t have any expertise in trademarking. Trademark Factory® got it figured out. You made it really simple, cost-effective and awesome for us.
Get ahead of others. Bypass the 68% rejection rate
Online brands are easy to steal. I have big plans for BUILD TO ROCK®, so we decided to protect it. If you’re looking to trademark your brand, I don’t see why you would go anywhere else than Trademark Factory®.
Investing $199 in a comprehensive trademark search can save you tens of thousands of dollars
Comprehensive trademark search with the USPTO
Registrability assessment by an attorney
Detailed formality check
Where do you want to trademark your brand?
What do you want to trademark?
Which Brand Name or Tagline do you want to trademark?*
What Products and Services do you want your trademark to cover?*
*The information you provide here is just for us to get the process started. We’ll be in touch shortly to go over the details, and you’ll have ample opportunity to review and revise everything.
Trademark Search basic package:
️ We will conduct a comprehensive trademark search and provide you with our registrability assessment.
Your Order Summary:
Total Due Now: $199